Vecka 1
Måndag A.) Power clean + Push jerk: 3 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 reps -Increase weight by feel, start around 60% of 1RM B.) Back Squat: Work up to a heavy set of 5. C.) AMRAP 12min 7 Pull-ups 14 Wall balls 9/6kg 18 Sit-ups Tisdag A.) Strict press:
Måndag A.) Power clean + Push jerk: 3 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 reps -Increase weight by feel, start around 60% of 1RM B.) Back Squat: Work up to a heavy set of 5. C.) AMRAP 12min 7 Pull-ups 14 Wall balls 9/6kg 18 Sit-ups Tisdag A.) Strict press:
Måndag A.) Deadlift: 4 x 3 reps -Working sets start at 80% of 1RM B.) 4 Supersets 3-5 Weighted pull-ups 10 V-ups / tuck-ups C.) 25-20-15 reps not for time of: Barbell rows (light weight) Crunches Dumbbell curls Mountain climbers Tisdag 25 Min AMRAP 20 Wall balls 9/6kg 10 Handstand push-ups / push-ups 10 Hang snatch anyhow 43/30kg 10 pull-ups Onsdag A.) 4
Måndag A.) Every third minute for 15min 5 Power cleans 50/35kg 5 Front squats 50/35kg 5 Shoulder to overhead 50/35kg -Amrap burpee box jump until 2 minute mark, the total amount of BBJ at the end will be your score. B.) Every third minute for 15min 25/21 Kcal Row 15 American Kettlebell swings
Måndag A.) Deadlift: 2-4-6-8-10 reps -Decrease the weight for every set. B.) 3 sets 10 Barbell rows 15 band pull aparts B.) AMRAP 12min 8 C2B Pull-ups (RX+ 5 bar muscle-ups) 12 Box jumps 60/50cm 15 DB snatch 22/16kg Tisdag A.) 4 sets 3-10 Kipping toes to bar Handstand walk / 1-3 Wall climbs C.) Every 3min for 18min 18
Måndag A.) Push press: 5-5-5-3-3 reps Start around 70% of 1RM and increase by feel. B.) 3 Supersets 10/10 DB rows 15 Lateral raises C.) 21-15-9 reps of: Box jump over 60/50cm Overhead squats 35/25kg cash out: 21 burpees over bar Tisdag A.) Squat Clean: 5-4-3-2-1 reps -Increase weight for every set start around 60% of 1RM. B.)
Måndag A.) Back squat: Workup to a heavy single. -Timecap 12min A.2) Back squat: 85% x 3 Reps 80% x 4 Reps 75% x 6 Reps B.) 3 Superset 12 Romanian deadlift (ca 50% of 1RM deadlift) 14 Overhead split jumps C.) Weighted skier squats: 3 x 15 reps Tisdag A.) Power Snatch: 3-3-2-2-1-1 reps - Increase
Måndag A.) EMOM 12min 1 Clean & jerk (Squat clean + split or push jerk ) - Increase weight by feel. B.) 3 Supersets 10 Good mornings 3-8 Strict supinated pull-ups C.) AMRAP 12min 9 Deadlifts 70/50kg 12 Push-ups 15 Box jumps 60/50cm Tisdag A.) Bench press: 10-8-6-4-2 reps -Start around 70% of 1 RM, and
Måndag A.) Back squat: 10-8-6-4-2-15 reps -Increase weight by feel. B.) 4 set 8/8 One legged deadlift 14 Utfallshopp med viktskiva C.) Valfri mage om tid finns. Tisdag A.) Push press: 6-6-4-4-2-2 reps -Increase weight by feel. B.) 5 Rounds for time 5/5 KB hang clean & jerk 24/16kg 30 Air squats 40 Double unders /
Måndag A.) 5 Supersets Bench press: 12-8-4-8-12 reps 8 Barbell rows -Reps on the bench press will change for every set, reps on barbell rows stay the same on all five sets. B.) EMOM 15min Min 1: Box jumps 60/50cm Min 2: Farmers walk 2x32/2x24kg Min 3: Overhead split jumps 10/5kg (Weight plate) Min
Måndag A.) Clean: 3-3-2-2-1-1 reps -Working sets start at 60% of 1RM increase weight by feel. B.) Tempo back squats: 5-5-5-3-3 reps @30X2 C.) 3 supersets 12 Romanian deadlift 12 Weighted skier squat Tisdag For time: 4 Rounds 5 Bar muscle-ups / 6 C2B pull-ups / 7 pull-ups 20 Alternating DB snatch 22/16kg Straight into… 4 Rounds 8 Handstand